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~*~ Horses ~*~
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Stars Cocoa Zan
Cocoa is the registered AQHA that started it all when I purchased him back in 2005. Having had horses growing up it was something much missed so the opportunity to buy him brought life back to normal. At first sight I knew I had to have him with his huge brown eyes that seemed to sooth the soul. He was purchased from a young lady heading off to college and forced to part with him. He is a show horse with points in western pleasure. Although I do not show him he still carries himself as a winner and takes his stand as the alpha horse. He is a wonderful well-mannered equine!
We lost Cocoa in 2023.
His breathing condition worsened and I could not hold on to his earthly body any longer as I did not want him to suffer.
He was my heart horse and I still look for him in the pasture daily.
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Ima Ryder Two
Ima Ryder Two, AKA RJ, is a stunning registered AQHA gelding and is the epitome of the classic Quarter Horse. He resembles closely the painting by Orren Mixer of the iconic Quarter Horse. The painting is used to this day to represent the American Quarter Horse Association's breed standard and is extensively used in their advertising. Not only is he a fine specimen of the breed he is well trained and a pure joy to ride.
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Cassanova After Dark
Cass is a registered AQHA gelding that is a fantastic trail horse with a stout build and a loving demeanor. He certainly takes it all in stride, be it late night rides in the dark or long rides through the wooded trails. He is such a good boy.
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Caesar's Palace
Caesar is a registered TWH gelding that is a solid trail horse with a huge personality to go with his enormous height.
We lost Caesar to a severe internal rupture.
He will forever run free in our hearts.
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~*~ Other Critters ~*~
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SUN A Little Moe Ass

Moe is a registered spotted Mini Mediterranean donkey that I purchased as a weanling. He is now king of the villa. He stays in his fence only by choice and at times prefers to roam the yard. He makes everything around the villa his business. He is fun to watch as he plays with his jolly ball and cones bringing endless joy to those who have the pleasure of seeing him. He is the best "guard dog" ever as he loudly announces any visitors to the villa. Moe will capture your heart at first sight!
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Dahlai Llama Enlightened Buddha

Buddha is my mini llama. He is absolutely gorgeous with his handsome good looks and killer blue eyes. He is a very curious, loving creature. He lives with our fainting goats and his job is to guard them and keep them safe. He is a favorite of the new kids as they all seem to cling to him when their moms are out of sight.
We lost Buddha in 2020.
Buddha is no longer with us, but the legacy of having a llama guard our herd lives on as this beautiful boy established a way of life here at the Villa.
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Bess, Tess, Wilson & Boo Kitty
The Villa is also home to four cats. Bess & Tess who were rescues from CATS of Brunswick and Wilson & Boo Kitty who moved here in the summer of 2014. Wilson enjoys his days in retirement and receiving room service in the barn now dubbed the "cat house" and Boo Kitty is the hunter extraordinaire who takes time out of his busy schedule to taunt Bach almost daily. Laverne & Shirley are two bobtail kitty sisters that were adopted from a family in PA who took their mom and siblings in as strays. We were lucky to get these little huntresses upon their rehoming.
Update: October 14, 2015 Tess went missing. She always slept on the porch and not a day went by that she was not there...she is missed and loved.
Update: December 10, 2018 Wilson, our Senior Cat, crossed the rainbow bridge due to old age. His demanding "YEOW" will forever be missed upon entering his barn where he passed peacefully. He lived a long and eventful life for a farm kitty.

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Strait Cowboy

Cowboy joined the crew for Christmas in 2010. He is a beautiful blue merle, blue-eyed Australian Shepherd. I have big plans for his future as a herding protector, but currently he has big plans to eat, sleep, and PLAY and GROW! Christmas 2011 Update: Cowboy has grown in to a gorgeous dog but is still a little puppy at heart.
We lost Cowboy in 2023.
He lived a good long life for a dog, but it was far too short for his people.
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Bach is a handsome Belgian Malinois who has a strong instinct to guard all inhabitants of the Villa and is always on the job. He loves to go for rides in the vehicle and is quite the surveillance system. He is a wonderful and well loved boy.
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Little Gangster AKA Charlie
Charlie is a fiesty addition to my home and is proving to be a great little pup and wonderful friend to Lansky. They play wonderfully together and keep me on my toes. Charlie keeps up with every step Lansky takes and they tend to each other like best friends.
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Lansky & Charlie April 4, 2012
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Little Gangster AKA Lansky
Lansky joined my home shortly after the loss of Bugsy...my heart was so saddened by his loss and has been brightened a bit by the addition of this independent little puppy. What a joy it is to have this bouncy Boston as part of my life. He has some huge footsteps to try & follow, but he is working hard at it and in making his own unique paw prints on my heart as well.
Lance touched my heart in so many ways and filled a tremendous void. His sudden paralysis onset came as a shock at only 7 years old. He was taken from this earth way too early and his pawprints will forever be in my heart.
May his precious perfect soul rest in peace...
8-26-11 to 12-20-18
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Little Gangster AKA Bugsy
Bugsy is the heart and soul of everything. He has been in my life since he was a mere four weeks old and has more personality than any animal that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He is the most intelligent, loving and sensitive individual. My little "sunshine", he brightens every day here!
May my big hearted angel rest in peace...
He fought as long as he could to stay on this earth. He is missed more than words can express. My heart is broken and all my love is with Bugsy.
3-10-01 to 10-16-11

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~*~ Around the Villa ~*~
Copyright 2021 Solis Occasus Villa. All rights reserved.
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Snowfall in 2009 on one of the old Tobacco barns. A beautiful sight!
Winter wonderland down at the frog pond. This photo was taken after a winter storm in 2009.
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