ICE BLUE eyes, GOLDEN AMBER eyes, BROWN eyes...Black & White coats, Multi-Colored coats, Moon Spotted coats, FlOwErY coats...all MGR does not matter what you are looking for... because here at the Villa...
"We've got your goat"
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~*~ 2025 KIDDING SEASON ~*~
Message us with interest on any available kid.
We also have 2 yearling Bucks, 1 two year old proven Buck, 1 yearling proven Buck & 1 adult Doe available.
Message with serious inquiry ONLY!
"LIKE" us on facebook and follow us there!
Contact Us for further information on any of our goats
or to be placed on 2026 waitlist.
ON HOLD (Deposit Paid)
We reserve the right to RETAIN any kid for our breeding program.
We also reserve the right to cancel any sale at any time at our discretion and for any reason we so decide and any monies paid will be refunded to the buyer if this should happen.
DEPOSITS are NONREFUNDABLE unless we cancel a sale or something unforeseen happens to the goat prior to its departure from our farm.
We are not responsible for goats once they have departed our farm.
A reputable breeder will gladly provide you with the proper registration papers and registration transfer forms. Be sure you are getting what you pay for upon pick-up of your new goat.
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Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR)
Notice of Change
Looking to the future of the breed is very important not only for its preservation but also for the acceptance of the Myotonic as a breed. One of the ongoing problems in that acceptance is that as a landrace breed it has many different looks, and therefore cannot be given a breed standard that will cover the breed. This is the reason MGR has in the past only used a Breed Description.
How do we get this to be an accepted breed by the industry and also be able to have a breed standard that will indeed allow for a true conformation? Not a simple or quick task to do. However, we will begin on 01/01/2013 to initiate our first step by closing the registry to allow only bucks that have two (2) registered MGR parents.
How does this help? We must accept that our Bucks are one half of our herd. Therefore, if no new bucks are allowed into the MGR registry then we will begin to see a particular look begin to shape within this registry. This will not happen overnight but is a start to progressively moving the Myotonics into a breed that can be recognized instantly by breeders.
Remember: as of 01/01/2013 Bucks without TWO registered MGR parents will not be allowed to be registered---no exceptions.
Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR)
Notice of Change
After careful consideration by the MGR BOA these changes will go in to effect on 5-1-2022. These changes are necessary to strengthen the genetics of the Myotonic breed.
1. Goats with one parent registered in the MGR will be registered as 50% myotonic. Goats w/o an MGR registered parent will also be registered at no greater than 50% (unless documentation of linage can be provided).
2. Goats with a complete pedigree background of registered goats in IFGA, MSFGA (others?) will be considered on a case by case basis and may be admitted with a percentage Myotonic appropriate for the record, as well as goats with lapses in MGR registration. A $25 inspection fee will be added to the $15 electronic registration fee. Goats for review must be submitted by e-mail to MGR.
3. Breeders may petition for exceptions, especially when multiple goats from a single source are considered. Exceptions are granted at the Board’s discretion. The Board’s decisions will be based on the strength of the history and background of the goat, and of the herd from which it originated. An inspection fee of $25 will be imposed for Board consideration of the history and type. This is a single fee regardless of the number of goats presented from a single herd and is not imposed on goats individually.
4. Only does & wethers will follow these changes. Bucks require both their sire & dam to be MGR registered to be eligible for registration. This in no way affects currently registered goats.
5. These changes will take effect on May 1, 2022. All paperwork received on or after May 1, 2022 will follow the new rules.
Copyright 2024 Solis Occasus Villa. All rights reserved.